Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

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RA 7277 – Magna Carta for Disabled Persons


•     An act providing for the rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of disabled persons and their integration into the mainstream of society and for other purposes

•         rights and privileges of disabled persons:

•           equal opportunity for employment

•           access to quality education

•           National Health Program

•           Auxiliary Social Services

•           Telecommunications

•           Accessibility ( barrier-free environment)

•           Political and civil rights


BP 344 Accessibility Law


•         “An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons by Requiring Certain Building, Institution, Establishments, and Other Public Utilities to Install Facilities and Other Devices.”



–        Public and private buildings and related structures for public use and which shall be constructed, repaired or renovated.

–        Streets and highways and public utilities

•         Streets and highways

•         Public transport vehicles

•         Public telephones

–        Public transport terminals including those of LRTA


EO 240 – Declaring the Period from Year 2003 to 2012 as the Philippine Decade of Persons with Disabilities


          Non-government organizations and self-help groups among persons with disabilities, as well as other organizations are hereby enjoined to take full cognizance of the National Plan of Action for the Decade of PWDs and to fully cooperate in the attainment of its goals and activities by gearing their policies and aligning their programs to said National Plan


EO 417 – Directing the Implementation of   the Economic Independence for  PWDs (Series of 2005)


          All national government agencies including government owned and controlled corporations are enjoined to support and cooperate in the implementation  of the Economic Independence Program for PWDs

            DSWD – shall develop and implement the national social preparation program that  will deal on moral values and work ethics of entrepreneurs with disabilities

            DepEd/CHED/TESDA – shall continually develop a system of equivalency to ensure PWDs’ access to employment and entrepreneruship

            CDA – shall develop and implement programs to promote coop organizing and development among PWDs


EO 417 – Economic Independence Program


n       Markets for products and services of cooperatives of PWDS and other Organization of PWDs engaged in livelihood.

n       Accessible Work Center.

n       Capital for Livelihhod Programs.


Joint DBM-DSWD Circular No. 2003-01


n       Implementing guidelines for Section 29 of the General Appropriations Act for FY 2003 Entitled “ Setting Aside 1% of Government Agency Budget for Programs/ Projects Related to Senior Citizens and the Disabled ”.

n       IEC campaign/advocacy

n       Human Resource Development and Capability Building

n       Provision of Employment Opportunities

n       Protection and Safety Program

n       Group Home/Foster Home

n       Policy Development/Legislations

n       Researches

n       Other Programs/Projects/Activities/Services related to their respective mandates.


Office of the Persons with Disabilities Affairs (OPDA)
(General Assembly League of Cities of the Philippines
Resolution No. 2003-13)
(3rd Meeting of the members of the National Directorate of Municipalities of the Philippines –LMPND Resolution No. 011-2001)


n       Encouraging cities/municipalities to establish the OPDA

n       Monitoring of compliance with Accessibility Law

n       Implement the provision of the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

n       Established data gathering for statistics of PWDs

n       Formulate and implement plans, programs and policies related to the promotion of the welfare of PWDs in coordination with concern national government agencies.

n       Establish production and livelihood sheltered workshops for PWDs.

ADPI-Multi Purpose Cooperative