ADPI-MPC Vermi-Composting and Organic Garden

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ADPI-MPC Micro Finance
ADPI-MPC Vermi-Composting and Organic Garden
ADPI-MPC Hydroponics Garden
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About Iloilo and Philippines
Calamity Hits Us (Typhoon Frank)
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Typhoon Frank in Pictures
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
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ADPI-MPC GlobalWorming Project is a simple cure but not a total answer to the global warming problem of the world today. It is just a solution and mitigation policy of the future.

Source of Funds and Support Group:



The Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers (GAUF), also known as the Kennedy Round Two (KR2) Program is a grant facility of the Government of Japan designed to assist developing countries striving to achieve food sufficiency.  In the Philippines, proceeds from KR2 are shared by the Department of Agriculture (80%) and NEDA (20%).

The NEDA-GAUF Program aims to contribute to the national productivity enhancement efforts by financing catalytic agri-based projects leading to employment generation and better management of the environment at the grassroots, especially in depressed rural areas.

Department of Science and technology


The Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SET-UP) is the main technology transfer and commercialization program being implemented by DOST Region VI in accordance with the National S&T Plan 2002-2020.


It is a nationwide strategy for micro, small and medium scale enterprises to implement technological innovations and improvements in their operations.  The program enables the ADPI-MPC to address our technical problems through various technology transfer and technical interventions

Such as:


·         Technology acquisition

·         Technology training

Philippine Working Group
International Center for Disability and Rehabilitation
University of Toronto
The PWG was established in the spring of 2007. As part of the ICDR, the PWG believes in the value of mutual cooperation, partnership, respect, and strong linkages and networking in creating a united voice in addressing disability issues.

         Poverty and disability are closely intertwined. As a group, we believe in the power of developing a global partnership as a defining force for development. We commit ourselves as partners of disabled people and view disability beyond the impairment level. We understand that if real social development is to be realized, a critical understanding of social issues needs to be dissected at all levels. In the process, the full participation and inclusion of people with disabilities are only but necessary.


Municipality of Leganes


The Municipality of Leganes has extended to ADPI-MPC the use of the Materials Recovery Facility.  The facility with a concrete building within the site was turn over for the use of ADPI-MPC under a three (3) years MOA.


The Municipality of Leganes also supports the operation of the vermin composting facility of ADPI-MPC by allowing them to collect biodegradable waste materials from the Municipal Public Market.

ADPI-Multi Purpose Cooperative