ADPI-MPC Board of Directors

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The Board of Directors are a group of people that are elected by shareholders of the cooperative who make decisions affecting the cooperative's business on behalf of the shareholders. The board of directors meets regularly to discuss governance issues, compensation packages and general business activities. The board of directors make decisions that directly affect a stockholder, such as when or if to pay out a dividend. The board of directors carries out these tasks according to the cooperative charter or by-laws. The board of directors hold emergency meeting sessions and vote on an issue that may need immediate attention. Every membership-traded cooperative must have a board of directors. Cooperatives shareholders usually vote for their board of directors through a General Membership Assembly each year.

Board of Directors is the collegial body that exercises the cooperative powers formed under the Cooperative Code. It conducts all business and controls or holds all property of the cooperative.

Tiburcio Villanueva, Jr.
Board of Director


Chairman of the Board

The Chairman of the Board is the highest-ranking officer in a cooperative's board of directors. Presides over cooperative board meetings. Sometimes has executive authority over a firm, sometimes does not.

Mark F. Espesor
Board Secretary


Board Secretary

The Board Secretary provides notice of meetings of the board and/or of a committee when such notice is required. She serves on the executive committee assume responsibilities of the chair in the absence of the board chair chair-elect and vice chair.

Rodinna Laviana
Board of Director


Rowel Pudadera
Board of Director


Matgarita S. Sillo


Mario F. Abaygar
Board of Director


Bob Flores
Board of Director


Cooperative Treasurer

Cooperative treasurers play a vital role in improving and maintaining the financial standing of the cooperative. By overseeing their cooperatives financial and risk management activities, cooperative treasurers attempt to ensure the most favorable market conditions for its activities.

Ranging from undertaking general financial management to making strategic decisions on funding and risk management at more senior levels, this is a varied and responsible role with increasing opportunities.

ADPI-Multi Purpose Cooperative